Wednesday 29 June 2011

If you were a Transformer, what would you transform into?

Something special, strong and with sence for fairness and justice. I'm called KnightGhost and the name says it all ... Ghost and Knight in good manner, that's what I would like to transform into occassionally.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

What TV show character do you relate to the most?

I never thought about this, but I think none of them. I am what I am and usually don't compare myself with the others.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Sunday 26 June 2011

What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?

Hmm, let me se... Tom & Jerry, definately. There were more, but as we knew them with Slovene titles it's a bit pointless to write them down here.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Thursday 23 June 2011

What's your biggest phobia?

For everything I experience in my dreams (real dreams I mean) would one day come true, meaning something like this with that. (This is my forum never visited by anyone, by the way.)

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

If you could go on vacation for the next month with an unlimited budget, where would you go?

I actually don't have specific whishes where to go, but I surely would try many things, those crazy ones and those a bit less crazy as well ... In one sentence: I would fully enjoy that month.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

What was the worst concert you went to?

I wasn't at the concert already for a very long time and I actually rearly say something is really bad. I try to find an artistic angle in everything I see and hear (speaking of concerts and such things of course). (Nudity and such things excluded).

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

What's your favorite season of the year?

Summer definately.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?

First I would pay my bills and loan I have, then I would repair my house, further, surely some charity organizations wold be the ones which would get a share, I would also save something for my son's future (he's only 12), sponsor @RadCardiffSport show and give a hand to charity actions 7Waves Community Radio and Paul Harper are doing or plan to do, learn I would try to learn to speak more languages I can speak now. And maybe (just maybe) I would visit Cardiff to see if it is really so nice city as it seams to me right now not ever being there. Oh, and my "home" network Knight-Nui celebrates 5th Aniversary so one real (not virtual) party would be nice to have. And of course I would enable our staff gets every game on the market to play and test. :)

If I would have a chance and a good advisor to refine this Million $ then I have one big wish ... to gather a group of about 1000 artists of dancing, musical and artistic sphere to make a group of proffessional performers, what I personally never acheaved to be. We would "concor" the Cardiff Millenium Stadium, filling it with spectators to the last seat and make a performance world has never seen before. (Keep dreaming Ghosty, keep dreaming... ).

I would actually do many things, however I wouldn't spend too much money for clothes and surely none for jewlery and such things. :) But those are dreams which willl never happen because money doesn't like me at all and also because my way of life isn't even a bit suitable for something like this. ... Many things would have to change for something like this and I'm not sure I still have enough energy for any changes at all ...

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

What's the funniest joke you know?

I forget them the minute I hear them no matter how funny they are.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Monday 20 June 2011

Sunday 19 June 2011

What are you procrastinating right now?

With paying the bills and with a meeting with some co-workers and the general manager at work.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

What's the last thing that you laughed about?

Hmmm ... I have to think about this. I remember it was something I've read on twitter posted by those I follow, but I can't quite remember what that was anymore. I remember it was actually not a joke though.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

What's the worst injury you've had, and how did it happen?

Broken ankle that much that my leg was turned around for 90 degrees, but miracleusly the break was not open one. How it happened? You know ... when you're young and foolish you wear wooden shoes even if you know it will rain and you will have to walk on that "famous" red mud you can find at the mediteranean coast. Just perfect for breaking the leg. :)

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Monday 13 June 2011

Saturday 11 June 2011

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Friday 10 June 2011

What's your astrological sign? Do you think it's representative of who you are?

I'm Capricorn and in a way it is representive, but my sub astrological sign probably is Cancer as I love the things those of this sign do. Blue color, water, sun, gentle and a bit strange music and everything representing art is what I love so ... you see, I don't see only work (what they say by default for Capricorns) and I can say for myself I'm warm, despite sometimes a bit wierd person.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Thursday 9 June 2011

What's the biggest lie you've ever told and gotten away with?

Can't remember. Once my father thought that I lied and hit me, and even then I've told the truth (what he found out later).

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Saturday 4 June 2011

What do you always carry with you at all times?

Various useful stuff from sawing equipement to menthol bonbons. Well, but what I always carry with me are my eye drops (my medicins), unless I don't go far from home (for a walk or similar). And the other thing I almost never forget is my mobile phone and health and personal card. Oh, yes, and I almost forgot ... my glasses which are always stuck to my nose unless I sleep. - lol

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Friday 3 June 2011

Thursday 2 June 2011

What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given, and who gave it to you?

I can't really remember. Usually I'm the one who gives advices to others. Do they listen to them? I really don't know and I don't know even more are they helpful and good at all or not. :)

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.