Monday 30 May 2011

What was the happiest moment in your life?

Well, I don't know exactly. One I remember from my childhood was when I got the first pair of adidas shoes. Then when I met my husband and when our son was born.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Sunday 29 May 2011

What's your favorite season, and would you live all year in that season if you could?

My favourite season surely is Summer however up to 30 °C is just right temperature for me. I surely wouldn't live in such season with higher temperatures then that.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Friday 27 May 2011

What have you wanted to do for years but haven't gotten around to yet?

Write my own SCI-FI book or produce my own animated movie with programs like Bryce, Poser Anime Studio or similar. And I always wanted to have a mighty group of singers, dancers and all kinds of musicians (about 1000 people) to make performances people could neveer imagine all around the world. However, that last won't happen as I'm not a tallent of this kind by myself and I am not in show business or something like that to know such artists.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Sunday 15 May 2011

What's your favorite amusement park ride?

I don't know. I was just once in Port Aventura - Spain. I believe Splash was my favourite that time.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

If you could enact one law, what would it be?

When somewhere on the World is too much food it has to be redirected to the areas where there's none, but only if those on areas without food worked hard to produce it and couldn't succeed due to natural or other "higher" circumstances.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Thursday 12 May 2011

What's the best way to relax after a long day?

Listening to the music and playing games, maybe going for a walk in near forest or just leasuring and doing nothing (what is hardly affortable).

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

What's your favorite quotation?

God can be our friend if we try to be better and better every day. (my own quotation which I have in my mind all the time)

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Monday 9 May 2011

What event in the past, present, or future would you like to witness in person?

On short term - Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain in Križanke, Ljubljana, Slovenia. On long term ... I'm not sure. Maybe I would like to witness Quadrile Dance on the streets (which happens every year in Europe, main center in Ljubljana) to become World Quadrille dance and that the whole world would dance no matter what the time is in particular place.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Thursday 5 May 2011

What's your favorite Mexican food dish?

Never ate it so I can't say.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Would you rather be the best player on a losing team or the worst player on a winning team?

Both is annoying. If you're the best player in a loosing team, then there's too much pressure on you as no one is as good as you and it could be very easily you get the feeling you do everything on your own. If you're the worst player in the winning team, you are of course happy about the victories your team acheeves, however it can very easily happen that you get the feeling you're not good enough or even that your team mates don't like you particularly due to your play. Both choices are eaqually annoying for me though.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Who's the smartest person you know?

Many of them everyone for his/her own field of knowledge.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

What's your favorite type of flower?

Rose definately, then all flowers which are pure yellow (like dandelion when it blooms or marsh margold. And there also are kind of royal blue colored like genitian. If someone would manage to grow such blue rose without injecting color in it (what they do today) then it would be really magnificent.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

If you could go back in time 10 years and tell your younger self something, what would it be?

"Don't be so stupidly shy and undecided and go for what you would like to do in your life! Stop thinking that everything you do is stupid and is not good enough in the first place. And when you actually get this into your head, then stick to the plan."

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

What website do you spend the most time on?

Well, @Twitter, Home Harbour, @KnightNui forum and homepage, #7Waves comunity radio, @Radiocardiff, @Gmail, @Formspring @Twitlonger @TwitPic and

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

If you could make one person fall in love with you who would it be?

I made one 16 years ago - my husband - and I would do this once again.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Who's the best teacher you ever had? What made them your favorite?

Hard to say. One of them was defence teacher and the other was for Slovene Language 8my native language). They were really cool. The first because he could tell things in a way to be really interesting especially when he talked about aircrafts and wapons because he was actually war pilot by proffession and not a teacher. The second was really good soul, was able to forgive stupid things we did sometimes and once even went to search for us as we weren't in the class. Finding us we didn't go back to class, but stayed at the pub just where we were and had really interesting discussion about various things. Oh, well, but that was now really very long ago. Despite everything they also taught us a lot, more then any other teacher ever did.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Monday 2 May 2011

What's the story behind your Formspring username?

The story? Actually behind my username here on Formspring there's no particular story. But yes, there's a long story behind my nickname I'm using allover the net actually and it begins when I came to @KnightNui forums and signed up with this name. There's real SCI-FI story now behind this name which I'm writing and is published on this particular forum and there's a real story which includes my journey from regular member there all the way to moderator and then admin position, @KnightNuiNews creation, great times we have in our network and more. Real story is better though, because it includes my online friends and kind of co-workers on @KnightNui network.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

you love your mom send this to 20 people , one girl didn't and her mom died 365 days later I love my mom sorry I can't ignore it

Well, my mom is long dead, this is the first thing and the second is ... I don't like this kind of messages and I believed here on Formspring there are none. As I don't want to put anyone in the same position as I am now, I won't forward this. Please, don't send me any messages which contain such conditional message (like if you don't do that it will something horrible happen to you) in the future. Thank you very much for your kindness.


Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.

Sunday 1 May 2011

What's your favorite sport to play?

To be honest - non. I don't do sport, but if I would I would probably be skater or something like this. However, every sport is interesting it's just that I don't have too much conditiobn for doing some.

Ask me anything except really intimate things. Those are mine and only mine.